Gaye Bulut


Netflix and chill? So 2015. This is better. This web app gets its videos from Instagram users that posted videos using #hyperlapse and its music from SoundCloud. Written in JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3, utilizing Instagram and SoundCloud APIs. Go on now.


  • Sliding Puzzle

    A healthy dose of minions to brighten your day. This sliding puzzle is written using JavaScript, 'Despicable' jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3. Get it? No? Nevermind. Just play it already.


  • Free Fall

    An animation (wannabe simulation) that imitates free falling based on different gravities of different planets. And no, Moon is not a planet but we will be nice and include it. Yes moon, you can sit with us. Pluto, the dwarf planet, has 5 moons so of course it made the list too. Written in JavaScript, using jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3.


  • RepIt

    A tool that replays music videos of your obsessive compulsive mind's choice mimicing a replay button. So yes, it replays them forever so you don't have to. Just sit back and obsess over something else. Written in JavaScript, using jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3. It utilizes Youtube API.


  • Find the Pair

    A 'finding the pair' puzzle written in JavaScript, jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3. It utilizes Instagram API. Instagram users have no boundaries these days so choose your theme wisely. “Play you fools” Gandalf The Grey - Famous last words.
